

打從萊康於1978年,於英國的Coventry成立以來,我們的目標即是提供工程師對電腦輔助製造所最需要的-功能強大、使用容易、可靠度高及優良售後支援,使客戶有信心將萊康視為一工作夥伴,協助其達成目標。 在1995年七月WINDOW95發表上市的同時AlphaCAM (APS for Windows)供Windows95使用者使用的版本也同時上市,從那時開始持續地發展,國外市場已有相當的成就,AlphaCAM可以在14個不同的語言下執行,包括日文與 中文等,萊康在持續且穩定的成長下,現在布拉格(捷克)、西班牙設有分公司,而美國、德國、義大利、荷蘭、台灣和日本中也有子公司,在其他的主要市場都有精心挑選和訓練的經銷商或代理商,確保無論您是在 何處,專業的支援就在您身邊。

Licom Systems Co., Ltd, in Taiwan was founded in Dec. 1996, by Mr. Joseph Jan and join-ventured with Licom Systems UK, as a subsidiary company of Licom System UK. It offers Licom Systems' product : AlphaCAM in West Pacific Rim countries, beside Japan since then.

In 2001, Licom Systems was merged by Planit Softwrae. AlphaCAM now is a product of Planit.Later Planit sold its share of Licom Systems Taiwan to its partner in Taiwan, and Licom Systems Taiwan now is a re-seller of Planit software.

The product of Planit which Licom Taiwan offers are AlphaCAM, Cabinet Vision and Visi CAD/CAM etc.A few years ago, Planit merged with Vero, and now it's part of Vero.AlphaCAM is one of the top softwrae used in woodworking machining, both in China and Taiwan. Cabinet Vision is also one of the top cabinet making software used in this market.

In 2010, Licom introduced Osai CNC control to its existing woodworking machine making sub-dealers, and acts as a re-seller of Osai CNC control.